Education | Student Loans

Don't Let College Overwhelm you Before You Go.
Education First has partnered with College Ave Student Loans, a private student loan company, to provide financing options without the stress.

Student Loan Options
Get the money you need to reach your higher education goals. There are also loans for parents who want to help cover the cost of college for their kids.
College Ave provides a simple application, helpful tools and a personalized loan experience to help you create a loan that works best for you and your budget.
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Student Loan Refinancing
College Ave offers Student Loan Refinancing for graduates. Refinancing your existing student loans can reduce your monthly payment and even the total cost of your loan. Plus, combining multiple loans into one can make repayment easier and simplify your life.
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Download The Ultimate College Guide
Are you getting ready to transition from high school to college? The Ultimate College Guide is here to help you prepare for your journey. Our team has compiled a comprehensive guide with tips, advice, and personal experiences to help make your transition smoother.
Handy Tools at Your Disposal.
Calculate your budget, see and compare the latest rates and discover what perks you gain for being a member of Education First Federal Credit Union.
Take charge of your finances! From big purchases to debt elimination and savings plans, our calculators guide you every step of the way.
Check current rates and find out which ones adhere to your loan type.
When you want a better place to hold your accounts and grow your money, Education First is at the head of the class.